dawn at Lake Ella

9/22/2020 – Tuesday

I have not posted a picture of Keely in a while, so here, have a shot of her looking expectantly at me, waiting for a treat, while I lounge in bed with zero intention of giving her (another!) treat:

(I have the most unphotogenic dog ever but trust me she is really super cute!)

The weather has been glorious the past few days, in the mid-60s, which is absolutely my favorite temperature range. It actually feels a bit chilly to me, given how long I’ve lived in Florida, but nonetheless I throw open all the windows and doors to bask in the bright, clear, cool weather.

Most places do spring cleaning, airing out the house from winter; here, we do fall cleaning, opening up our spaces to air out from being hermetically sealed in with air conditioning since March! Ha!

Keely was on a scent bender, stopping every five feet to sniff at fallen debris from the recent storms. Not sure if she was chasing a singular scent or lingering on the variety available but it was a very stuttered walk around the pond. She’s generally very obsequious which means I forget how much torque my little tank potato can throw into the leash when she does not want to move yet. Nearly wrenched my arm!

It was a good meditative practice for me, to focus on enjoying the moment and not getting impatient with her. She doesn’t know “time” and we were out early so I had a lot of time to spare anyway, so it was fine to just stop-start our way around Lake Ella for forty minutes.

Later, but before work, I actually rode my bike to the grocery store like the wanna-be jock I am! To be clear: I have never been a jock, but this has been a life-long dream.

(There were a couple of years in my 20s when I worked out 3 hours a day but that was more disordered behavior than athleticism, alas. I looked great but was in constant pain and hungry all the time. Not something I want to repeat.)

Yet, I enjoy using my body and pushing it. I’ve never done it well but I do love it — dancing, yoga, bike riding are my trinity that I should, perhaps, allow myself to enjoy more often. Not everything needs to be a chore.

It was a nice, short ride and turned an hour long trip by foot into a 25 minute one, AND I got fresh veggies for lunch! WIN / WIN!

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