dawn at Lake Ella

9/28/2020 – Monday

Back to work I go! But only sorta as I wfh on Mondays and Tuesdays. Which is nice, I don’t have to stress about being at the office by 8 am, which is honestly my dream life. All these people excited about returning to their office buildings…can’t relate.

The rains all day yesterday didn’t break until 7 pm, so we took an extra long walk last night, which means Keely was not about a long walk this morning. Or any walk, really. I practically had to drag her out of bed at 6 am! Oh yes, she did the whole “cute adorable bed puppy” routine but eventually realized I was serious and with an indignant huff got up…to lurk in the very dark studio, watching me through droopy eyes, and avoiding the rooms with lights and human activity for as long as possible.

Eventually we got out and honestly I don’t blame her reluctance…while it was technically only 72°F, it was muggy and humid and dank. Neither of us enjoyed the walk much. We were both damp when we got home.

There are supposed to be more rain storms today, which is needed. Slow steady rain: good; massive flood-y hurricanes: bad. The good news? This time they are bringing a legit “cold” front and we’ll have those lovely 60°F temps back for a few days!

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