dawn at Lake Ella

9/9/2020 – Wednesday

I’m going to have to stop checking the news before I walk Keely, as it seems lately to result in me obsessing over how cruel and greedy a great swath of my fellow citizens are, and how hopeless that makes me feel. That’s before even accounting for the corruption of the presidency and the GOP in general, for whom avarice and cruelty really are the whole reason to exist.

So you can see where my mind was this morning. :/

It’s not that I don’t want to keep up with the news…I mean, I really don’t? I wish I didn’t need to. I would like a non-fascist leadership that is just, you know, traditionally problematique. Gosh wouldn’t that be nice?

Anyway, out a bit after 5:30 am after a good night’s sleep, for which I am unironically grateful. In my life, sleeping well is another thing I take after my father, who could just lay down anywhere and fall asleep if he needed to. Mother, on the other hand, had severe insomnia as part of her cornucopia of mental health issues, so I did learn early not to take sleep for granted (especially when she was in a manic stage and kept me up half the night, whoooooooo).

As promised, here is the photo of where the gazebos used to be.

I admit it has cut down on homeless people hanging out at the park, as it was designed to do. That anyone thinks this is a “solution” is a mockery of humanity.

*sigh* Clearly I am of a mood this morning.

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