First up is more news about the new job. I will be starting October 11th at the FSU Student Disability Resource Center in the position of Assistive Technology Lab Coordinator!
This is a “professional” position, which means a master’s degree was required for application and that it is a salaried, with benefits. It will also bestow upon me the holy grail of professionalism: a business card with my name on it! *smirk*
I’ve worked part time at the SDRC for two years now, so I’m a known quantity for them and I think that greatly stacked the odds in my favor of being hired. I’m not as well-versed in the field as other applicants would be, I’m sure, but I do know a lot about assistive tech and software, so I’m not coming in blind.
My previous boss, the one who quit the job I am taking over in a couple of weeks, is a great and knowledgeable person (and a personal friend) but she left in a hurry due to personal obligations so there is going to be a “clean up and learning” curve as I figure out how I want to organize things. I’m definitely intimidated by it! But the SDRC is blessed with a great team doing fantastic work, and I know they will support me as much as they can.
Long-time readers of my blog know this is a career shift for me of huge proportions, and I’d be lying if I said it did not give me pause. It will be hard if not impossible for me to transition back to archive/museum work from this position. Yet, when I thought about it, I realized that it is a great opportunity for me.
Sometimes you have to jump on a different ship to actually get somewhere.
It seems that the most profound changes happen in my life during autumn. Not always (Poppa died in the spring, and I started keto in the summer) but whenever autumn approaches, I expect some from of change to strike.
This career track alteration (I’m still, technically, under the information sciences umbrella) falls nicely into the fold of my big “Two Year Agenda” because taking this job is quite literally at least a two year commitment.
Interesting times, indeed.
Photo credit: zest-pk at Flickr Creative Commons, used with permission.