by KimBoo York | Oct 2, 2013 | Information Science, Accessbility, Assistive Technology
Yesterday, I walked into my new office and felt true despair. I am not actually starting the new position until Oct. 14th, but I’m still part-time until then (weird) so I get to spend my whopping five hours a week doing proto-management stuff. Like, cleaning the...
by KimBoo York | Sep 10, 2012 | Accessbility
The paradigm has shifted for accessibility issues in text, although it is pretty clear that publishers have not figured this out yet (what else is new?). Back in the day, and how it is still mostly done today, the path to making a book or other printed text accessible...
by KimBoo York | Jul 16, 2012 | Information Science, Accessbility
I just got back from co-presenting at the national 2012 AHEAD Conference in New Orleans. While I am not a member of AHEAD (Association on Higher Education and Disability) I am associated with it through my work at FSU’s Student Disability Resource Center’s...