by KimBoo York | Jul 19, 2012 | From the archives, Information Science
One aspect that I feel is overlooked by scholars is the fact that archivists have a very profound perspective of the collections they manage. The archivist should be the first stop in understanding a collection, not the last stop after the finding aid. However most...
by KimBoo York | Jun 26, 2012 | Information Science, From the archives
It can become routine, working in archives. We deal with unique treasures every day, and it is nearly impossible to maintain a sense of wonder about the items in a collection when you are constantly exposed to them. Yesterday that all came crashing down for me. The...
by KimBoo York | May 29, 2012 | From the archives, Observations and Opinions, Information Science
Today I had the pleasure of linking the needs of archives-using scholars to Avengers fans in Japan during a serious discussion about archives digitization. The key is that both demographics have developing expectations that are at odds with reality, based on their...
by KimBoo York | Feb 3, 2012 | Information Science, From the archives
In archival class this week, we had a whole evening devoted to collection “appraisal”, which in the jargon does not mean deciding how much something costs, but whether a collection is worth keeping. Yes, archivists throw things away. I know, it’s a shocking thought,...
by KimBoo York | Jan 5, 2012 | Information Science, From the archives
Do you date anything you write? These days computers automatically time stamp everything for us, so it’s not much of a consideration when you write an email, but what about that ephemera that swirls through your life? All those birthday cards, grocery lists, research...
by KimBoo York | Dec 26, 2011 | Information Science, From the archives
I have started my new job at the Claude Pepper Library, which is part of the Claude Pepper Foundation at FSU and is also aligned with the FSU Libraries Special Collections Department (I think…the inter-relationships of these organizations defeats even the most...