4/7/2021 – Wednesday

4/7/2021 – Wednesday

I’m sorry to inflict this photo on you but I thought it was hilarious — a lone duck standing on the wall, with the lights across the way on it, looking for all the world like a scene in a movie where someone is silhouetted by police spotlights. Is it an evil...
4/6/2021 – Tuesday

4/6/2021 – Tuesday

A typical, if pleasantly cool, morning in Tallahassee. Keely is still on the hunt for the local fox, I think, given her firm demands to wander in and around some bushes she normally ignores, nose firmly pointed at the ground. I’m pretty sure she would have no...
4/5/2021 – Monday

4/5/2021 – Monday

Perhaps the doubling up on the vodka last night was a little much-ish, as I totally crashed out and slept in late. Still, we got out of the house before 7 a.m., which is find since today is a WFH day. I should be enjoying these days more, as the time is coming soon...
4/4/2021 – Sunday

4/4/2021 – Sunday

It is Easter for some folks, which means the usual Sunday patterns were flipped. Instead of mostly empty roads and a scattering of cars in parking lots as early shoppers beat the crowds, it was busier on the roads as people sped their way to church and all the parking...
4/2/2021 – Friday

4/2/2021 – Friday

It’s Friday AGAIN??? I am grateful to have made it through another work week but seems like just yesterday I got my first COVID shot…but that was Monday. So not yesterday, then. The week has been a fog. The COVID vax (pfizer) did knock me down with fatigue...
4/1/2021 – Thursday (a fool to Nature’s April)

4/1/2021 – Thursday (a fool to Nature’s April)

Yesterday was practically steamy, the onset of summer weather, so you can imagine my surprise when I stepped out for our walk at 5:30 am wearing shorts and sandals and a tee shirt only to get ripped entirely apart by ARCTIC WINDS, wtf???!?! Apparently the temp dropped...

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