12/22/2021 – Wednesday

12/22/2021 – Wednesday

My week is flying by! I am spending my days working on my business and my writing — turns out recording videos with slides and a script-via-teleprompter is an actual skillset I am having to learn! I too am shocked that this is not an innate ability that I was born...
12/21/2021 – Tuesday

12/21/2021 – Tuesday

I was slow to get moving this morning, a combination of staying up too late and the weather being all overcast and somber. Even Keely was not too excited about being dragged off the warm bed. But off we went into the bitter cold (45°F, but I mean…Florida!) to...
12/20/2021 – Monday

12/20/2021 – Monday

One of the joys of not having to be at the bus stop by 7 a.m. is that I get to lounge about in bed until 7 a.m. Even Keely is not a morning person, content to wallow in bed with me until we both have to pee. And there in a nutshell is the lifestyle of two old dogs...
12/19/2021 – Sunday, We Open for Take

12/19/2021 – Sunday, We Open for Take

As promised! The sign with the empty lot. I love the last message on the sign: We open for take. Worlds of meaning there for sure! If you’re curious, the patio stones from yesterday’s photo are in the open space hidden by the palmetto fronds at the bottom...
12/17/2021 – Friday, back on schedule

12/17/2021 – Friday, back on schedule

Yesterday was derailed by the fact that I had to go into the office to “supervise” the shuffling of six computers. Normally people don’t need to bring their computers with them when they move offices, but several of us have newer machines (and I have...

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