by KimBoo York | Mar 24, 2020 | Life and all That, Going on 50
Life Like an Ent The student looked at me in awe. “You were a vegetarian for years?” The idea amazed her. I nodded, not quite sure where this deep admiration was coming from. Yes, I was a vegetarian for years. I would say for the majority of my 20s I was a vegetarian....
by KimBoo York | Jun 7, 2018 | Life and all That, Going on 50
Here you go! All about…ice cream for dinner, and what it means to “grow up”! Hint: lots of therapy is involved. 😉
by KimBoo York | May 21, 2018 | Life and all That, Going on 50
When I went back and checked, I was surprised to see that it has been over a year since I updated Going on 50. Well, maybe not too surprised…as I talk about in the podcast, this past year was not a creatively productive one for me, consisting mostly of stalled...
by KimBoo York | Nov 6, 2016 | Life and all That, Going on 50
This one is all super political while also being quaintly sentimental. I recall my Mother, who was a second wave feminist of the 70s and 80s, and wonder how she would view this year’s presidential election. I get maudlin, you’ve been...
by KimBoo York | Sep 4, 2016 | Life and all That, Going on 50
The first episode of my new podcast was actually listened to by more then one person, so I think that qualifies as an unmitigated success! On to episode two, wherein I talk about hurricanes (I’m so timely!), nostalgia, Granny, and my...