{72} I did this to myself

This entry is part [part not set] of 130 in the series Blog-a-Day2016When you ask friends for prompts, you get what you (did not) pay for… I asked for prompts via a facebook post, and got 11 responses, both thought provoking and, uh, off beat. In the spirit of...

{70} All Hope Abandon , Ye Who Enter Here

This entry is part [part not set] of 130 in the series Blog-a-Day2016I learned a long time ago that hope is a four letter word. This insight became second nature to me long before I studied Buddhism, a tradition that (generally) puts hope in the category of dukkha,...

{69} Personal Resources

This entry is part [part not set] of 130 in the series Blog-a-Day2016Would you prefer to be on a team of superheroes, or alone? That, above, was one of the questions posed as part of the “getting to know you” exercise at staff retreat this morning. The retreat is an...

The Next 100 Years

My plan is to live to at least 140 years old. When I tell people this, they often think of older relatives in nursing homes or suffering from illness and cringe. They think of being old and infirm, of being trapped inside a decrepit body. That’s our past and...

“Free range” is a variable

Everyone I know has posted or commented about “free range parenting” lately, due to several articles about it and a current case where parents are being charged with child neglect for letting them walk to a local park alone. It is an important topic regarding how, as...

Writing About (my) Rape

NOTE: I’ll be talking about my own rape, in specific but not intimate detail; warning for if that is a trigger subject for you. An artist friend who was putting together a collaborative art show on rape culture asked me to contribute. I said I would try to write...

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