Social media is just a pain sometimes

by | May 22, 2012 | Life and all That

We love it, or I know I love it, with my twitter and facebook and foursquare and dreamwidth and RSS reader being 24/7 tabs on my browsers. Those are my lifelines, as I am a single woman in a small town swamped by jobs and gradschool.

But lately I have been cursing them to high heaven, because I’m trying to change up my icon across platforms. What a hassle.

And you’ll note (if you are reading this at my blog and not by RSS or on a repost at dreamwidth) that my banner has changed. I’ve added a photo of myself to the front of my website, as well.

It’s all about the branding, and I’ve been building up a brand as “::::kbs” for over ten years. But as I move into academia, it’s clear that I need more “name-to-face” recognition, which is what inspired this madness. Since I can’t afford a graphic designer, it is up to me to come up with ALL THE CHANGES.

I’ve got a new title as well, courtesy of my academic mentor: text technologist. I fear this sounds a tad pretentious, but I’ve been assured it represents exactly the field I am in, which is highly interdisciplinary and stands on the fence between academia and business. I think.

I’ll let you know.

In the meantime, please bask in the beauty of my new banner and admire my face which is now plastered everywhere like a bad penny in my updated icons for all my social media networks. And by “bask” I mean, give me some critical feedback!

Meanwhile, I’m going out to watch Avengers again because I can and if I say locked to the keyboard for any longer, I think my back will break again. Which, need I remind you, we do not want.

My podcast, “The Gateway” is going to launch next week, too. Because I don’t feel productive unless I’m doing five things at once, apparently.



lovin' on kimboo

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