Correct vs. Perfect

I am not a perfectionist. That is true, despite appearances! I learned a long time ago, back when I was reporter for a regional news magazine, that “perfection never gets printed.” We had deadlines and even if a story wasn’t perfect, it still had to be typeset and...

Tragedy and the Making of Legends

What makes a popular story? I don’t mean a great one, although many are both, but rather a story where the setting, the characters, the events become legends? Actually, I think my question is: what makes a legendary story? I wonder about this a lot because that is the...


My M/M/F book Wolves of Harmony Heights was written back in 2015/2016, and has zilch to do with my recent (as of late 2019) dive into Chinese webnovels and dramas. But as this dive keeps getting deeper, I realized that in writing that book I was searching for novel...

The Future of Grieving Futures

Back in 2010 or so, I wrote a book I call Grieving Futures detailing the slow collapse of my family and my emergence from that as an adult orphan. It’s a painful book and in retrospect I’d write it very differently, if I were writing it today. But it is...

Updatery part elevenhundy

This entry is part [part not set] of 130 in the series Blog-a-Day2016If you’ve been keeping up with my blog at all (I mean, who hasn’t, amirite?!?!?) then you’ve been keeping up with my “blog a day for a year” posts, right up until there...

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